Editors Note:
Still Parasiting
(but ever closer
to appropriation)
The second issue of Parasite Art deepens the ref- lection begun in the first issue…
Die Genealogie
eines Begriffs.
Der Parasit auf Weiterreise
Parasit, Schmarotzer, Schädling – unsere Vorstellungen vom Parasiten sind meist mit Ekel und Abschaum besetzt…
Urban Niches –
a parasite reclaims public space
In October 2022 the artistic intervention Parasite Parking reclaimed public space through activation and habitation.…
The parasite paradox:
Collectivity and the Niche
In biology, a parasite is an organism that lives on and depends on another. The…
Parasite Aesthetics
With this article, I want to propose a new approach to aesthetics and sketch an…
Parasite Strategies –
Experiences of counter hegemonic microinterventions
Counter-hegemony fights and directs actions, both in the activist and artistic sense and are based…
Editor‘s Note
This is the first issue of the magazine Parasite Art. This magazine was founded to…